Donald Trump Can’t “Do” Sarcasm Cos He Can’t “Do” Irony & He Can’t “Do” Irony Cos He Has NO Sense Of Humor

Trump proves every day that comedy is hard. Waaaaaay too hard for him.

Yesterday, Donald Trump — at his daily campaign rally that the news media broadcasts under the bullshit assertion that it’s got news or information in it — told America that we should try drinking bleach and sunlight to cure outselves of coronavirus. Anything just so we’ll “get back to work” instead of having the federal government prove that a Universal Basic Income is the only way out of this fiasco.

Donald Trump may be laughable but he’s the opposite of funny. While he can dress himself in comedy glitter — and make it seem like he’s in on the jokes he tells (when he imagines himself the King Of Comedy), Trump’s only good at making fun of others. That’s the easy part of comedy. But bullying isn’t comedy. It’s not funny either — and that’s what every bit of Trump’s making fun of other people is: bullying.

Having a sense of humor requires one basic thing in order to exist: one MUST be able to laugh at oneself. If you can’t see yourself as the butt of a joke (a mostly good-natured joke, of course), you can’t see jokes. You just like the idea of people hitting other people with words — so long as it’s not you. In his entire life, Donald Trump has never laughed at himself.

There’s real reason to believe that Trump’s decision to run for POTUS started on April 20, 2016, the night President Obama took a few good-natured swipes at The Donald during the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.

Witness a man with no sense of humor slowly stewing. It’s not up for debate. It’s not a matter of opinion. It’s not a question of proportion. Donald Trump has ZERO sense of humor. It’s just a fact of life. Of genetics.

Having no sense of humor, Trump is incapable of seeing irony — of seeing the irony in anything. Irony is the crisp slap of what one says a thing is versus what it really is. Donald Trump claiming he’s the victim of anything is ironic because Donald Trump is the ultimate victimizer. Trump himself can’t see it — because he can’t see himself as a victimizer. Or he refuses to admit that he is. Either way — that refusal to see (or laugh at) himself for what he really is — it’s the seriological test that proves Trump can’t even conceive of laughing at himself.

Without the capacity to even “see” irony, one is automatically excluded — by definition — from ever being “sarcastic”.

So — when Trump told the nation it was okay to drink bleach to cure coronavirus, he was being as serious as a heart attack — or another Trump crisis. The correct response really shouldn’t be to repeat Trump saying “I was just being sarcastic”.

The correct response SHOULD HAVE BEEN derisive laughter. “What? No, you weren’t being sarcastic — you can’t BE sarcastic. All YOU can be is cruel.” That’s what the press should have said.

Instead we’ll debate whether or not Trump was in fact being sarcastic. After we’re done, let’s argue whether bears shit in the woods and the Pope is Catholic.

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