Dicks Where They Don’t Belong

Donald Trump is a dick. I’m being kind. He is to being a dick what Voldemort is to being a villain. Ultimate dickage. Trump could be “dick’s” picture definition. For a kajillion reasons – other than just his dickishness – Trump did not belong in the White House. That he got there – despite the fact that the majority of Americans didn’t want him there – that’s a testament to just how big a dick he really is.

Trump’s dick also has been numerous places it did not belong. On Monday, Trump will finally be on trial – and his dick has quite a lot to do with it.

Donald Trump is a rapist. He owes writer E. Jean Carroll a ton of dough because he insisted on putting his dick somewhere it didn’t belong. But, like most if not all rapists, Trump approaches everything he does like a rapist. He wants what he wants for the reason he wants it and no one will stop him.

It’s all about the power – and Trump’s power to put his dick anywhere. But, for the first time in Trump’s life, he’s losing the power to put his dick wherever he wants. Hell, he’s lost it entirely. He’s in the process of finding that out now. And he’s taking it like a dick.

The Republican Party loves to cosplay as Trump, but they’re not Trump. They always end up doing it wrong (that’s because they’re all dicks at being dicks). But, alas, being dickish is the one thing these treasonous thugs are good at! If we were to create a “Pantheon Of Dicks”, the GOP could fill it faster than Judge Juan Merchan just filled Trump’s election fraud jury.

Without even thinking too hard about it, the names just flow –






Ted Cruz does not belong in Congress. Bill Barr did not belong as AG. Neither Matt Gaetz nor Marjory Taylor Greene belong in Congress. And Judge Aileen Cannon does not belong anywhere near a judicial bench.

Dicks where they don’t belong. Especially anywhere near the reins of power.

Here’s my question – do people become dicks when they put that “R” next to their name, or do they put that “R” next to their name because they are dicks?

Whichever, one thing that’s certain, a dick will compound their dickishness by being a dick somewhere entirely unnecessary and counter-productive.

It’s just how dicks are.

But, when it comes to how the rest of us feel about dicks being in the wrong place, no one put it better than Jeff Spicoli (Sean Penn) in “Fast Times At Ridgment High” —

Exactly, Jeff! Exactly!

2 responses to “Dicks Where They Don’t Belong”

  1. […] Donald Trump‘s election fraud trial has made two things crystal clear. First, it doesn’t matter what Michael Cohen says. Every other bit of evidence says Trump willfully misled the American electorate about who he is. Of course, the jury will have the final say in the matter. Having served on two juries, I have faith that they will take their oaths seriously. The hard evidence is irrefutable and says Trump knew his candidacy would not survive the Stormy Daniels story getting out. The second thing Trump’s trial has already revealed: the news media screwed this up horribly. […]

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